Square Monkey Publishing is a boutique publishing company located in the heart of Manhattan. SMP is dedicated to high-quality, well-crafted, timeless storytelling that has the power to educated, entertain, and transform people's lives. We offer publishing, editorial, writing, and coaching services for authors.

We deliver a complete publishing experience, from initial review of your manuscript through retail distribution. We can take your publishing venture from start to finish with our in-house photographers, designers, writers, and editors. All we need is your vision. If you would like us to consider your book for publication or would like to inquire about our writing and design services drop us a line at: info@squaremonkeypublishing.com

Congratulations, you've written a book! Now it's time to get it into the hands of readers and leave them begging you for more! Authors have to do a lot of their own marketing, which can be a drag. Let us assist you in building your author platform. Together, we will create an out-of-the-box, comprehensive, step-by-step marketing plan that will persuade readers to buy your book! Your books success depends on you taking action now!

                                                       “Writing is a struggle against silence.” –Carlos Fuentes 


What are you waiting for? A sign from above? Trust me, today is the day to start writing that novel you always dreamed about writing! So quit monkeying around and get down to putting that pen to paper.I guarantee if you spend just five minutes a day writing you’ll notice that each time you sit down to write, it gets a little easier. So don’t give up! It’s like going to the gym. You might not see the results you want at first, but  if you keep showing up, and doing the work, the results will come. If you feel stuck and need some guidance feel free to reach out.